The strategy of digital marketing of Bening’s Clinic through Instagram

Daniel Susilo, Teguh Dwi Putranto, Roberto Rudolf Torres Santos


Men’s bodies have become a commodity in the capitalist industry to compete with women’s bodies. This is because in modern life, how you look is a way to show your freedom, personality, and confidence. There are a lot of facial treatment clinics now, and one of them has helped bring up the need for both men and women in modern society to care about how they look. Instagram was chosen for this study because it is a popular social media site. Instagram makes people compare how they look and makes them feel unhappy with their bodies, which can affect each person’s body image. The goal of this study was to find out what Bening’s Clinic’s digital marketing plan was for disciplining the metrosexual men’s body on Instagram. As a research method, the Krippendorff content analysis method was used to find out what the message was about and what it meant. The posts on Instagram by @beningsclinic_jakarta from October 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020, will be the unit of analysis. Researchers chose the Krippendorff content analysis method because they wanted to look at the content of Instagram posts in a quantitative way. The researcher then tries to figure out what the @beningsclinic_jakarta Instagram post is about, how to read the symbols, and what the interaction between the symbols means. The conclusion is that Bening’s Clinic Jakarta’s digital marketing strategy in the @beningsclinic_jakarta Instagram post includes ads that are more focused on bringing up men public figures from the entertainment world as an attraction and building fantasy for potential customers, especially metrosexual men who want to discipline their bodies through facial treatments.


Bening’s Clinic; digital marketing strategy; the discipline of the men’s body; metrosexual; Instagram

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