
OHJA (Oral Health Journal Association): Oral Health Journal Association Journal Management Strategic Conference in conjunction with Oral Health Journal Association Initiation Meeting 2018

OHJA (Oral Health Journal Association) Journal Management Strategic Conference in conjunction with Oral Health Journal Association Initiation Meeting 2018 Place: Harris Hotel Street: St. Ciumbuleuit No. 50-58, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia Date Month: 8-9 May 2018 Two day Seminar  
Posted: 2024-06-19 More...

SEMILOKA (Seminar and Workshop): The Art of Medical Research: Medical Scientific Writing and Management

SEMILOKA (Seminar and Workshop) Title: The Art of Medical Research: Medical Scientific Writing and Management Friday, 05 May 2017 Street: Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago) No. 4 Ex. Citarum Regency. Bandung Wetan, West Java, Indonesia Location: Hotel Unpad Training Center (UTC) One day Seminar  
Posted: 2024-05-05 More...

Changes to Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry template


As of the March 2020 issue, the Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry made changes to the research template. The newly submitted article can only be processed if the authors are about to be following the valid template.

Posted: 2020-02-06