

Berinvestasi di pasar modal dalam bentuk saham merupakan salah satu pilihan investasi. Investasi saham menjadi alternatif pembiyaan bagi perusahaan di tanah air, khususnya perusahaan terbuka di pasar modal, namun berinvestasi di pasar modal dalam bentuk saham selain memberikan peluang keuntungan juga memiliki resiko antara lain kepailitan, khususnya bagi para investor yang berinvestasi pada perusahaan terbuka yang mengalami pailit. Oleh karena itu dalam tulisan ini akan dilihat perlindungan hukum bagi investor pasar modal pada kepailitan perusahaan terbuka dalam sudut pandang baik hukum kepailitan dan hukum perusahaan Indonesia.

Legal Protection for Capital Market Investor Due The Bankruptcy of Listed Company Reviewed by Indonesia Bankruptcy and Company Law.


Investing in capital market with stock form is one of investment choice for most people which is give a financing solution for most of company in the country. Especially for a listed company in the capital market. But investing in the capital market with stock form not only give a profit opportunity but also have a risk such as bankruptcy, specialy bankruptcy at listed company. The purpose of this article is to seek and analyzelegal protection for capital market investor due the bankruptcy of listed company reviewed by Indonesia bankruptcy and company law.

Keywords: Capital Market, Legal Protection, Investor, Bankruptcy, Listed Company

DOI: https://doi.org/10.22304/pjih.v2n2.a3


