


Eksodus besar-besaran etnis muslim Rohingya keluar Myanmar kembali terjadi sebagai akibat dilakukannya pembakaran desa, eksekusi, hingga pemerkosaan oleh militer Myanmar di Rakhine. Meskipun mereka harus rela membayar mahal, cara penyelundupan manusia kerap mereka gunakan karena cara formal untuk bisa masuk ke negara lain tidak dimungkinkan. Tindakan penyelundupan manusia adalah tindak pidana dalam Smuggling Protocol di mana negara-negara yang disinggahi pengungsi Rohingya seperti Thailand, Bangladesh, bahkan Indonesia telah menjadi negara pihak. Akibatnya, Pemerintah Thailand dan Bangladesh kerap menangkap pengungsi Rohingya yang masuk ke negaranya bahkan mengusir mereka untuk kembali ke Myanmar. Padahal, sebagai pencari suaka yang terancam persekusi, etnis Rohingya dilindungi oleh hukum Hak Asasi Manusia khususnya prinsip non-refoulement. Artikel ini menganalisa dilema antara aturan Smuggling Protokol yang bertujuan mencegah dan menegakan hukum atas terjadinya kejahatan penyelundupan manusia dengan kewajiban memberikan pengaman untuk melindungi hak-hak para pengungsi yang terancam persekusi. Artikel ini berkesimpulan bahwa meskipun Smuggling Protocol mampu untuk memberikan keseimbangan antara penegakan hukum kejahatan perlindungan manusia dan perlindungan pencari suaka, akan tetapi pada akhirnya semua tergantung dari keinginan negara untuk menerapkan Smuggling Protocol tersebut melalui aturan implementasi yang jelas namun proporsional.

An Analysis of Smuggling of Migrants under Smuggling Protocol from Asylum Seeker Protection Perspective: Case Study Rohingya


Again, thousands of Rohingya flee Myanmar to escape persecution after they saw their homes burned down, their family executed, and also suffered rape and torture by the Myanmar’s Military. In order to flee to Thailand or Bangladesh, Rohingyas often resort to using people smugglers and have to pay large amount of money. It is the only option left for desperate Rohingyas trying to save their lives. Smuggling of Migrants is criminal act under Smuggling Protocol. Thai and Bangladesh authorities (which are state parties to Protocol) often detained the Rohingyas for illegal entrance or expelled them back to Burmese government. The state parties of the Smuggling Protocol are obliged to investigate and prosecute the smugglers as well as to prevent and suppress the crimes. Nevertheless, asylum seekers fearing of persecution are protected under international human rights law including the principle of non-refoulement. This paper thus examines whether the Smuggling Protocol can solve the aforementioned dilemma by providing adequate refugee rights safeguards. This paper concludes that whilst the Smuggling Protocol has potential to do such, its application ultimately depends on the will of the State parties to apply the Protocol through proportionate yet clear implementing regulations.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.22304/pjih.v3.n3.a3



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Dokumen Hukum

Deklarasi Universal Hak Asasi Manusia

United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime 2000 (Palermo Convention)

Protocol Against The Smuggling Of Migrants By Land, Sea And Air, Supplementing The United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime 2000

Internasional Covenant on Civil and Poltical Rights (ICCPR)

Convention against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT)

Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees 1951


