Pengaturan kepemilikan dan penggunaan sumber daya alam di luar jurisdiksi nasional selalu menjadi perebutan dan perdebatan antara negara maju dan negara berkembang. Sampai saat ini sudah disahkan tiga rezim hukum internasional khusus yang berlaku untuk tiga wilayah sumber daya alam, yaitu Antartika, Laut Bebas khusus Dasar Laut Dalam, dan Antariksa khususnya Bulan. Ketiga rezim tersebut menggunakan konsepsi ‘common heritage of mankind/warisan bersama umat manusia’ sebagai prinsip utama pengaturannya. Tulisan ini dengan menggunakan metode penelitian normatif dan komparatif akan meneliti secara rinci variasi penerapan prinsip tersebut serta posisi negara maju di bidang keantariksaan terkait pemberlakuan rezim tersebut. Pada umumnya, konsep common heritage of mankind diterapkan dengan cara beragam dan sesuai dengan karakteristik sumber daya masing-masing sedangkan posisi negara maju di bidang kegiatan keantariksaan atau disebut juga space faring countries selalu mengkaitkan pemilikan dan penggunaan dengan kontribusi teknologi dan partisipasinya dalam memperoleh sumber daya tersebut.
Legal Status of Natural Resources Beyond National Jurisdiction and the Position of the Developed Countries in Space Activities
The regulation on ownership and use of natural resources beyond national jurisdiction is always a struggle and a debate between the developed and developing countries. There are currently three special international legal regimes which apply to three areas, namely natural resources of Antarctica, the high seas particularly for seabed and subsoil, and outer space especially for the Moon. These three regimes use the conception of 'the common heritage of mankind' as the main principle of the regulations. This paper uses normative and comparative approaches to examine in detail the variation of application of this principle as well as the position of developed countries in the field of outer space related to the implementation of the regimes. In general, the common heritage of mankind concept is applied in a manner and in accordance with specific characteristic of its resources respectively while developed countries in space activities, also reffered to as space faring countries, are always associated with technological contribution and participation in obtaining these resources.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22304/pjih.v3.n3.a7
Recommended Citation
mardianis, mardianis
"Status Hukum Sumber Daya Alam di Luar Jurisdiksi Nasional dan Posisi Negara Maju di Bidang Keantariksaan,"
Padjadjaran Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law): Vol. 3:
3, Article 8.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22304/pjih.v3.n3.a7
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