

The idea of the implementation of fast-track legislation in Indonesia has been widely discussed lately. It is triggered by the absence of definitive provisions regarding the period for the formation of law. This study examined concept and mechanism of fast-track legislation in some states; and compared them to Indonesia. It projected the idea of implementing fast-track legislation in Indonesia. The study used conceptual and comparative methods related to the mechanism of fast-track legislation. The analysis was performed qualitatively to produce conclusions related to the implementation of fast-track legislation in Indonesia. There are various methods of fast-track legislation around the world based on regulatory features, indicators, bill proposers, subjects, legalizations, and supervisions over the law generated from the fast-track legislation. Sometimes, law is generated quickly, and, on other occasions, it takes a long time, regardless of the material content, the urgency, and the implications. Indonesia needs clear benchmarks for law process completion. Unfortunately, the idea cannot be implemented immediately because a fast-track legislation mechanism must go together with an in-depth study, which covers several substantial changes in the Indonesian legal system in terms of law, institutions, and supporting instruments.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.22304/pjih.v10n1.a6



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