Volume 10, Number 1 (2023)
An Evaluation of the Selection Mechanism of Constitutional Judges in Indonesia and South Korea
Iwan Satriawan, Seokmin Lee, Septi Nur Wijayanti, and Beni Hidayat
The Possibility of the Implementation of Fast-Track Legislation in Indonesia
Rosita Miladmahesi, Wicipto Setiadi, Diani Sadiawati, and Handar Subhandi Bakhtiar
Principle of Neutrality and the Obligation to Prevent International Humanitarian Law Violations: A Case Study of US Military Assistance in Russia-Ukraine War
Gregory Joshua Manogar and Diajeng Wulan Christianti
Sexual-Violence Offenses in Indonesia: Analysis of the Criminal Policy in the Law Number 12 of 2022
Topo Santoso and Hariman Satria
Identifying the Use of Smart Enforcement in Citarum River Environmental Law Enforcement
Nadia Astriani, Andri Gunawan Wibisana, Anindrya Nastiti, An Nissa Ayu Mutia, and Hajriyanti Nuraini
The European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights: Strengthening the Participation in the European Union
Adnan Mahmutovic
The Renewal Policy of the Adultery Concept in Article 411 of the Law Number 1 of 2023 on the Indonesian Criminal Code
Mas Putra Zenno Januarsyah, Dwidja Priyatno, Somawijaya Somawijaya, and Widiada Gunakaya