

The Citarum River is one of the most strategic rivers in West Java Province, Indonesia. It has been a major water supplier for various agricultural and industrial needs. Unfortunately, human activity increases around the watershed. Thus, the water quality of the river decreases due to pollution. The central and regional governments launched the Citarum Harum program to reduce pollution in the Citarum River. One of the main issues of the program is related to environmental law enforcement. A lengthy process, high case costs, and light sanctions make law enforcement through the courts ineffective. This study discusses whether the environmental law enforcement in the Citarum River is smart enforcement. The study used normative empirical legal analysis with a juridical approach. This study concludes that the government should plan the law enforcement by means of Smart Enforcement strategy to make the enforcement more effective and efficient. It will provide clearer directions to law enforcement officers in the law enforcement. In addition, the efforts to carry out effective and efficient environmental law enforcement need more human and financial resources.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.22304/pjih.v10n1.a3



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