The phenomenon of producing surrogate mother facilities has been recognized in some countries, although Indonesia indirectly prohibits the practice. The practice is also feared to be a new form of human trafficking. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the opportunities for surrogacy legalization regarding its perspectives between human rights and the loophole of trafficking. In this study, three problems were formulated: (1) the legal status of children born from a surrogate mother; (2) the legality of a surrogate mother in Indonesian law; and (3) the opportunities for surrogacy legalization in legal reform. This study is a normative juridical study that examines the differences in legal systems in various countries regarding the regulation of surrogacy. The children delivered through surrogacy were the legal offspring of surrogate mothers. They were also likely to have a legal relationship with their biological parents as adopted children. Asides from these legal statuses, Indonesian law did not support the validity of the uterine lease agreement. This was due to its inseparability from the influence of religious and cultural values, which opposed the existence of surrogacy. Women and children have the potential to become victims of exploitation, even though the practice of surrogate motherhood is very harmful to their health. The practice subsequently prioritized the opportunity to become a new form of human trafficking. Various international legal instruments that exist can be used as a reference to prohibit the existence of surrogate mothers.
Recommended Citation
Prastiyo, Wawan Edi and Swardhana, Gde Made
"The Opportunities for Surrogacy Legalization Between the Right to Have Children and A Loophole of Trafficking,"
Padjadjaran Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law): Vol. 10:
2, Article 5.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22304/pjih.v10n2.a3
Available at:
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