Volume 10, Number 2 (2023)
A Comparison Between Indonesian and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Laws
Tinuk Dwi Cahyani, Muhamad Helmi Md Said, and Muhamad Sayuti Hassan
The Indonesian President’s Prerogative Rights in the Appointment of Ministers After the Amendment to the 1945 Constitution
Isnawati Isnawati, Adam Setiawan, Fatma Hidayati, and Rezky Robiatul Aisyiah Ismail
Treaties as a Source of National Law in The Perspective of Constitutional Law
Efik Yusdiansyah and Wicaksana Dramanda
The Rule of Attribution for Peacekeepers Post-Dutch Supreme Court’s Rulings on Mothers of Srebrenica in 2019: A Discourse on Presumptive v. Preventive Interpretation
Evan Tobias and Imam Mulyana
The Opportunities for Surrogacy Legalization Between the Right to Have Children and A Loophole of Trafficking
Wawan Edi Prastiyo and Gde Made Swardhana
Theoretical Reconstruction of the ’Existence of the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission and Its Comparison to Other Anti-Corruption Agencies in Asia
Gunawan A. Tauda, Ni'matul Huda, and Andy Omara