Volume 7, Number 2 (2020)
Recent Development in International Treaties Relating to Aviation: New Standardization of International Air Law
Adi Kusumaningrum
The Practice of Presidential Succession in Indonesia
Dian Aries Mujiburohman
Public Procurement Contract for Goods and Services Following the Presidential Decree Number 12 of 2020 on the Stipulation of the Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) Pandemic as a National Disaster
Ninis Nugraheni, Hening Prabawa Arifanda, and Alifihan Astaftiyan
An Endless Struggle of Fighting Discrimination in the Name of Human Rights Protection
Hernadi Affandi and Tarsisius Murwadji
The Role of the Elections Supervisory Agency to Contend Hoax and Hate Speech in the Course of 2019 Indonesian General Election
Fritz Edward Siregar
The Legal Aspect of New Normal and the Corruption Eradication In Indonesia
Musa Darwin Pane and Diah Pudjiastuti