Volume 10, Number 3 (2023)
Renewable Energy Development in Indonesia From New Normal to Better Normal: Environmental Law Perspectives
Yulinda Adharani, Ida Nurlinda, Gusman Siswandi, Maret Priyanta, and Rewita Salsabila
Dysfunctional Factors of Environmental Law on Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation and Developing Remedial Strategies Through Reconstruction Criminal Law System Model in Indonesia
Hartiwiningsih Hartiwiningsih, Seno Wibowo Gumbira, and Jaco Barkhuizen
Developing Effective Procedures for Public Participation in Spatial Planning Regulation in Indonesia: Lesson Learned from Australia
I Gusti Ngurah Parikesit Widiatedja, Ida Bagus Erwin Ranawijaya, Sagung Putri ME Purwani, and Bima Kumara Dwi Atmaja
The Effect of Extra Judicial Settlement in Criminal Cases Based on the Principle of Ultimum Remedium
Lies Sulistiani and Efa Laela Fakhriah
A Discourse of the Indigenous Peoples' Rights and Their Contributions to the Indonesian Development: Lessons Learned from New Zealand
Mohamad Jamin, Sapto Hermawan, and Mulyanto Mulyanto
The Inadequacy of Legal Provisions on Workplace Sexual Harassment in Nigeria and Ghana: The Way Forward
Emuobo Emudainohwo
Resolving the Conflict of Interests Issue within the Laws Concerning the Political Matters: Deliberative Democracy or Empowering Dewan Perwakilan Daerah?
Muhamad Dzadit Taqwa, Melinda Yunita Lasmaida Sirait, and Ahmad Alfarizy