Volume 9, Number 1 (2022)
A Deleuzian Reading on Hart’s Internal Point of View
Harison Citrawan
The Existence of Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency: The Academic Freedom’s Perspective
Muhamad Dzadit Taqwa, M. Irfan Dwi Putra, and Muhamad Ali Muharam
Force Majeure in Aircraft Lease Agreement and Covid-19: Indonesian and English Law Perspectives
Hasna Hasna
The Urgency of Open Application Programming Interface Standardization in the Implementation of Open Banking to Customer Data Protection for the Advancement of Indonesian Banking
Billiam Billiam, Lastuti Abubakar, and Tri Handayani
The Right to Water in Jakarta: Limitation in a Sinking City
Ahmad Risyad Sumartapraja and Diajeng Wulan Christianti
The Urgency of Doxing on Social Media Regulation and the Implementation of Right to Be Forgotten on Related Content for the Optimization of Data Privacy Protection in Indonesia
Teguh Cahya Yudiana, Sinta Dewi Rosadi, and Enni Soerjati Priowirjanto
Assessing the Assurance of Legal Certainty and Equity of the Indonesian Law of Money Laundering
Seno Wibowo Gumbira, Umi Khaerah Pati, Kukuh Tejomurti, and Ratna Nurhayati