Volume 5, Number 3 (2018)
The Value of Siri’na Pacce as an Alternative to Settle Persecution
Hijriani Hijriani and Herman Herman
The Ontology of Legal Science: Hans Kelsen’s Proposal of the ‘Pure Theory of Law’
Kelik Wardiono, Khudzaifah Dimyati, and Saepul Rochman
The Urgency of Religious-Blasphemy Case Arrangement in the Frame of Diversity towards National Criminal Law Reform
Somawijaya Somawijaya and Ajie Ramdan
The Implementation of Legal Certainty Principles in the Reporting Process of Debtor Bankruptcy Settlement by Curator to Supervisory Judge in Bankruptcy Practice
Holyness Singadimeja, Rai Mantili, and Ema Rahmawati
Legal Protection for Urban Online-Transportation-Users’ Personal Data Disclosure in the Age of Digital Technology
Kukuh Tejomurti, Hernawan Hadi, Moch Najib Imanullah, and Rachma Indriyani
The Balinese Traditional Law Instrument: a Realism between the Balance of Cosmic and Human Rights Context
I Gede Yusa and Ni Ketut Supasti Dharmawan
The Latest Development of Chile-Bolivia Dispute: Questioning International Watercourse Status of Silala/Siloli in ICJ
Almi Nibach Mauludila
Encyclopedia: Non-Liquet
Atip Latipulhayat
Fragmented and Unclear Laws and Regulations of Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesian Tourism
I Gusti Ngurah Parikesit Widiatedja and I Gusti Ngurah Wairocana