Volume 11, Number 3 (2024)
The Legal Status of Shipwreck Cargoes as Underwater Cultural Heritage from National and International Standpoints
Ridwan Arifin, Sigit Riyanto, Akbar Kurnia Putra, Sonny Saptoajie Wicaksono, and Bernard Sipahutar
Extraterritorial Act versus the Indigenous People Protection: An Analysis of the European Union Deforestation-Free Regulation
Aartje Tehupeiory and Putu George Matthew Simbolon
A Review of the Indonesian Regulatory Policy on MSMEs and Cooperatives for Boosting Economic Potential towards the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Koesrianti Koesrianti and Joseph Tanega
Self-Defense Justifications: from Caroline Case to Russia v Ukraine
Jaya Indra Santosa Putra, Sefriani Sefriani, Yasyfa Febriani, Hafara Khoirunnisa, and Muhammad Rizki Ramadhan
The Implications of Halal Regulations in Indonesia: A Consumer Protection’s Legal Perspective
Deviana Yuanitasari, Agus Sardjono, and Heru Susetyo
The Licensing Transformation in Small and Medium Industries Affecting Environment Following the Establishment of the Law on Job Creation: A Case Study of the Washing Industry in Bandung Regency
Santi Hapsari Dewi Adikancana and Mas Achmad Santosa