Volume 5, Number 2 (2018)
Book Review: The International Law on Foreign Investment
Mursal Maulana
Human Rights Protection in Trade: A Challenge
Birkah Latif, SM. Noor, Juajir Sumardi, and Irwansyah Rawydharma
Inheritance Law System: Considering the Pluralism of Customary Law in Indonesia
Sonny Dewi Judiasih and Efa Laela Fakhriah
Strengthening Indonesian Banking Industry to Comply with ASEAN Banking Integration Framework Concerning Reciprocity and Gap-Reduction Principles
Tri Handayani, Lastuti Abubakar, Supraba Sekarwati W, and Ida Nurlinda
The Irrelevance of the Application of the Principle of Opportunity by the Attorney General and the Principle of Equality before the Law
Kharisma Ramadhan
The Reform of the Indonesian Competition Law to Anticipate ASEAN Economic Community
Ari -. Siswanto and Marihot Janpieter Hutajulu
The Protection of Women Refugees based on the Perspective of ASEAN Law: The Case of Rohingya Women Refugees
Intan Soeparna
Encyclopedia: Dworkin
Atip Latipulhayat