Volume 7, Number 1 (2020)
The Binding Force of the Nuclear Disarmament Obligation upon North Korea and Its Legal Implication under International Law
Diajeng Wulan Christianti and Jaka Hananta Rizkullah
Direct International Responsibility of Non-Governmental Entities in The Utilization of Outer Space
Neni Ruhaeni
Collective Trademark as Alternative of Joint Brand Protection for Dupa Harum Kekeran in Bali
A.A.A. Ngurah Sri Rahayu Gorda and Resti Anggreni
The Optimization of Geographical Indication Protection in The Realization of National Self-Sufficiency
Mieke Yustia Sari, Nuzulia Kumalasari, Sigit Nugroho, and Yatini Yatini
New Face of International Law From Western to Global Construct
Atip Latipulhayat