Volume 8, Number 1 (2021)
Legal Status of Law Elucidation in The Indonesian Legislation System
Ilham Fajar Septian and Ali Abdurahman
Strategic Lawsuit against Public Participation (SLAPP): A Legal Based Threat to Freedom of Expression
Eko Riyadi and Sahid Hadi
Balancing the Interests of Justice: The Case of Afghanistan in The International Criminal Court (ICC)
Siti Rochmah Aga Desyana, Diajeng Wulan Christianti, and Chloryne Trie Isana Dewi
The Urgency of Handling Non-Performing Financing in Sharia Banks in the Development of Indonesian Sharia Economics
Renny Supriyatni and Nurjamil Nurjamil
Sharia Fintech as a Sharia Compliance Solution in the Optimization of Electronic-Based Mosque’s Ziswaf Management
Umi Khaerah Pati, Pujiyono Pujiyono, and Pranoto Pranoto
The Optimization of Corruption Deterrence during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Andi Hidayat Anugrah Ilahi and Yeni Widowaty